Project title

Donation from Brainfood Publishing to the organization “Network of Support for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women” through the donation of the Folloe Foundation for the publication of the book “The Greek People”





The Folloe Foundation announces two significant donations to the organizations “Network of Support for Imprisoned and Formerly Imprisoned Women” and “Shedia” from Brainfood Publishing which were made possible through the support of the Folloe Foundation for the publication of the book “The Greek People”. This collaboration underscores our commitment to initiatives that promote education, environmental protection, and culture.

The Network of Support for Imprisoned and Formerly Imprisoned Women is a non-profit organization with the main goal of supporting women who have experienced or are experiencing incarceration in Correctional Facilities.

“Shedia” is the only Greek street magazine and is a member of the International Network of Street Papers (INSP). This network includes 122 street magazines in 41 countries, with more than 14,000 homeless, unemployed vendors, and approximately 6,000,000 readers internationally.

These donations, shaped through the commitment of the Folloe Foundation to support sustainable projects and actions, reaffirms our shared dedication to creating positive changes and preserving Greece’s rich cultural heritage.

We express our deep gratitude to Brainfood Publishing for their collaboration and dedication to our work. Together, we continue to work towards creating a brighter future for all.

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